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个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍

博士 起止时间:2003.08-2010.10毕业院校:宾夕法尼亚州立大学 专业:生物化学、微生物学与分子生物学

学士 起止时间:1999.09-2003.07毕业院校:北京大学 专业:生物科学


起止时间 单位名称 专业技术职务

2019.09--今 山东大学 教授

2013.09--2019.08山东大学 副教授

2011.07-2013.08 山东大学 讲师

2010.10-2011.04 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 博士后



2. 耐药性及其转移的分子调控机制;

3. 体内体外微生物组模型;

4. 微生物感染相关技术开发


27.国家重点研发计划政府间合作专项“抗生素耐药因子的来源、动员和扩散”,2022年10月-2025年9月,No. 2022YFE0199800,任务负责人。


25.山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)“新型冠状病毒现场快速联合检测技术及装备开发”,2020年12月—2023年12月,No. 2020CXGC011305,课题负责人

24.山东省自然科学基金面上项目“基于WGS的多重耐药性院内传播途径鉴定与阻断技术”,2021年1月-2023年12月,No. ZR2020MH308,参与

23.山东大学基本科研业务费交叉学科培育项目“医疗废水中耐药性威胁的消除及其机制研究”,No. 2018JC013,2018年1月-2020年12月,参与

22.山东大学基本科研业务费交叉学科培育项目“地球大气层中抗生素耐药基因的分布与传播机制研究”,No. 2018JC027,2018年1月-2020年12月,负责人

21.微生物技术国家重点实验室开放课题“口腔溃疡的微生物学基础”,2018年7月-2019年5月,No. M2018-07,负责人


19.微生物技术国家重点实验室开放课题“Dissemination and removal of antibiotic pollution and resistance in aquatic ecosystems”,2017年5月-2018年5月,参与



16.国家重点研发计划“我国传统膳食结构的肠道微生态与健康效应相关性研究”,No. 2017YFD0400301,2017年7月-2020年12月,任务负责人

15.国家自然科学基金面上项目“里氏木霉中诱导纤维素酶表达的碳源信号转导途径及其机制”,No. 31770043,2018年1月-2021年12月,负责人

14.山东大学基本科研业务费交叉学科培育项目“呼吸道病原体的抗生素耐药性及其机制研究”,No. 2017JC028,2017年1月-2019年12月,参与

13. 2016年度生命科学学院创新基金“1型整合子中抗生素耐药基因的表达调控机制”,2016年11月-2016年12月,负责人

12.山东省重点研发计划“高效纤维素酶制剂的理性设计、制备与应用”,No. 2016GSF121040, 2016年9月-2017年12月,负责人

11.山东省科技重大专项(新兴产业)“先进酶制剂生产技术的研究及应用”,No. 2015ZDXX0403A01,2015年7月-2017年9月,参与

10.山东大学基本科研业务费交叉学科培育项目“污水处理系统中抗生素和抗性基因的污染特征与强化去除机制”,No. 2015JC025,2015年1月-2017年12月,交叉学科负责人

9.山东省自主创新及成果转化专项“新型木质纤维素酶系生产制备及产业化开发”,No. 2014CGZH1312,2014年10月-2016年12月,参与


7.国家科技支撑计划“秸秆等低值生物质生产高清洁汽柴油技术集成及产业化”课题中“基于木质纤维素的汽油/柴油有效组分的生物转化”,No. 2014BAD02B07,2014年1月-2016年12月,子课题负责人


5.国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目“生物质醇电联产关键技术和装备研发及应用示范”课题“万吨级纤维素乙醇生产关键技术研究及示范”,No. NY20130402,2013年1月-2015年12月,参与




1.山东大学自主创新基金项目“热纤梭菌的产氢机制研究”,No. 2011HW008,2011年10月-2013年12月,负责人


69.Zhang M, Ma Y, Xu H,Wang M, Li L*. 2023. Surfaces of gymnastic equipment as reservoirs of microbial pathogens with potential for transmission of bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistance. Front Microbiol 14:1192594.

68.LiuX, Dun M, Jian T, Sun Y,Wang M*, Zhang G*, Ling J*. 2023. Cordycepin andCordyceps militarisextracts ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus by modulating the gut microbiota and metabolites. Front Pharmcol 14:1134429.

67.Bie L1, Zhang M1, Wang J1, Fang M, Li L, Xu H,Wang M*. 2023. Comparative transcriptomic response analysis ofEscherichia coliK-12 MG1655 to nine representative classes of antibiotics. Microbiol Spectr 11: 00317-23.

66.Wei X1, Zhang J1, Wang B, Wang W, Sun Y, Li L, Xu H*,Wang M*. 2023. Spatially and temporally confined response of gastrointestinal antibiotic resistance gene levels to sulfadiazine and extracellular antibiotic resistance gene exposure in mice. Biology-Basel 12:210.

65.NieC, Geng X, Ouyang H, Wang L, Li Z,Wang M, Sun X, Wu Y, Qin Y, Xu Y, Tang X, Chen J*. 2023. Abundant bacteria and fungi attached to airborne particulates in vegetable plastic greenhouses. Sci Total Env 857: 159507.

64.Hu J, Li Z, Li L, Sun Y, Shi L, Li W, Zhang J, Wu Y, Xu H*,Wang M*. 2023. Detection of multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria and novel complex class 1 integrons in campus atmospheric particulate matters. Sci Total Env 856(Part 1): 158976.

63.Li Z, Li M, Tong S, Fang M, Li W, Li L, Li X, Xu H*, Sun X*,Wang M*. 2022. Regionalization and shaping factors for microbiomes and core resistomes in atmospheric particulate matters. mSystems 7:00698-22.

62.Li W1, Yang Z1, Hu J, Wang B, Rong H, Li Z, Sun Y, Wang Y, Zhang X,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2022. Evaluation of culturable ‘last-resort’ antibiotic resistant pathogens in hospital wastewater and implications on the risks of nosocomial antimicrobial resistance prevalence. J Hazard Mat 438:129477.

61.Chen H, Zheng Y,Wang M, Wu Y, Yao M*. 2022. Gene-regulated release of distinctive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from stressed living cells. Environ Sci Technol 56(13):9546-9555.

60.Li W, Hu J, Li L, Zhang M, Cui Q, Ma Y, Su H, Zhang X*, Xu H*,Wang M*. 2022. New mutations inclsleads to daptomycin resistance in a clinical vancomycin- and daptomycin-resistantEnterococcus faeciumstrain. Front Microbiol 13:896916.

59.Chen H, Wu X, Li L,Wang M, Song C, Wang S, Yan Z*. 2022.In vitroandin vivoroles of cyanobacterial carbonic anhydrase as a biomarker for monitoring antibiotics. J Hazard Mat Lett 3:100055.

58.Zhao R, Li Z, Sun Y, Ge W,Wang M, Liu H, Xun L, Xia Y*. 2022. Engineered Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 with urate oxidase and an oxygen-recycling system for hyperuricemia treatment. Gut Microb 14(1):e2070391.

57.Zhang X1, Li Z1, Hu J, Yan L, He Y, Li X,Wang M*, Sun X*, Xu H*. 2021. The biological and chemical contents of atmospheric particulate matter and implication of its role in the transmission of bacterial pathogenesis. Environ Microbiol 23(9):5481-5486.

56.李玲,王明钰*,徐海*.新型甲氧苄啶耐药二氢叶酸还原酶DfrB7的生化分析与宿主菌耐药机制研究[J].微生物学报, 2021, 61(12): 4097–4105.

55.Li Z, Shi L, Wang B, Wei X, Zhang J, Guo T, Kong J,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2021.In vitroassessment of antimicrobial resistance dissemination dynamics during multidrug-resistant-bacterium invasion events by using a continuous-culture device. Appl Environ Microbiol 87(6):e02659-20.

54.Li L, Zhang M, Wang W, Xia R, Ma Y, Wei X, Wang X, Sun X,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2021. Identification and characterization of two novel ISCR1-associated genesdfrA42anddfrA43encoding trimethoprim resistant dihydrofolate reductases. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 65(6):e02010-20.

53.李紫云1,贺艳艳1,王娟,王明钰,徐海*.肉食鸡中产超广谱β-内酰胺酶的耐药性大肠杆菌的检测和分析[J].微生物学报, 2021, 61(5): 1233–1245.

52. Wang M1, Wang W1, Niu Y, Liu T, Li L, Zhang M, Li Z, Su W, Liu F, Zhang X*, Xu H*. 2020. A clinical extensively-drug resistant (XDR)Escherichia coliand role of its β-lactamase genes. Front Microbiol 11:590357.

51.Yang Z, Cui Q, An R, Wang J, Song X, Shen Y,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2020. Comparison of microbiomes in ulcerative and normal mucosa of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS)-affected patients. BMC Oral health 20:128.

50.Wei T, Gong J, Qu G,Wang M*, Xu H. 2019. Interactions betweenYersinia pestisV-antigen (LcrV) and human Toll-like Receptor 2 (TLR2) in a modelled protein complex and potential mechanistic insights. BMC Immunol 20:48.

49.Yu T, Kong J, Zhang L, Gu X,Wang M, Guo T*. 2019. New crosstalk between probioticsLactobacillus plantarumandBacillus subtilis. Sci Rep 9(1):13151. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49688-8.

48.Wang F1,Wang M1, Zhao Q, Niu K, Liu S, He D, Liu Y, Xu S, Fang X*. 2019. Exploring the relationship betweenClostridium thermocellumJN4 andThermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticumGD17. Front Microbiol 10: 2035.

47.王明钰,张伟,郭卫华,刘振美,谭保才,泰山学堂助力山大生命拔尖学子小天下,创新人才培养模式培养拔尖创新人才-“生物学科拔尖学生培养试验计划”十年探索和实践,高等教育出版社, 2019, 87-100.

46. Li L, Yu T, Ma Y, Yang Z, Wang W, Song X, Shen Y, Guo T, Kong J,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2019. The genetic structures of an Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR)Klebsiella pneumoniaeand its plasmids. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 8: 446

45.Wang M1,Ma Y1, Li L, Wang B, Wei X, Zhang M, Wang J, Cui Q, Li Z*, Xu H*. 2019. The diversity of glycosylation of cellobiohydrolase I fromTrichoderma reeseidetermined with mass spectrometry. Biochem Biophys Res Commun508(3): 818-824.

44. Bie L, Fang M, Li Z,Wang M*, Xu H *. 2018. Identification and characterization of new resistance-conferring SGI1s (Salmonellagenomic island 1) inProteus mirabilis. Front Microbiol 9: 3172.

43. Wan X, Gao M, Wang Y, Xu H,Wang M, Wang X*. 2017. Formation, characteristics and microbial community of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of sulfadiazine at environmentally relevant concentrations. Bioresour Technol250:486-494.

42.Yuan S, Gao M, Ma H, Afzal MZ, Wang Y,Wang M, Xu H, Wang S, Wang X*. 2018. Qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the aggregation ability of sludge during aerobic granulation process combined XDLVO theory with physicochemical properties. J Environ Sci 67: 154-160. doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2017.08.015.

41. Yuan S, Gao M, Zhu F, Afzal MZ, Wang Y, Xu H,Wang M, Wang S, Wang X*. 2017. Disintegration of aerobic granules during prolonged operation. Environ Sci: Water Res Technol3:757.

40. Wang M1, Shen W1, Yan L, Wang X, Xu H*. 2017. Stepwise impact of urban wastewater treatment on bacterial community structure, content of antibiotics, and prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Environ Pollut 231(P2):1578-1585.

39.李紫云,王明钰,徐海*.细菌II型、III型整合子在耐药性传播中的作用[J].中国抗生素杂志, 2018,43(2):156-162.

38.崔庆宇,王明钰,徐海*.lux荧光报告系统的研究进展[J].中国生物工程杂志, 2017,37(8):66-71.

37.Wang M, Zhang M, Li L, Dong Y, Jiang Y, Liu K, Zhang R, Jiang B, Niu K, Fang X*. 2017. Role ofTrichoderma reeseimitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cellulase formation. Biotechnol Biofuels10:99.

36.Guo N, Wang Y*, Yan L, Wang X,Wang M, Xu H, Wang S*. 2017. Effect of bio-electrochemical system on the fate and proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes during the treatment of chloramphenicol wastewater. Water Res117:95-101.

35.马亚楠,王明钰*,徐海.纤维素酶糖基化的研究进展[J].微生物学报, 2017,57(8):1-8.

34.Bie L, Wu H, Wang X,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2017. Identification and Characterization of new SXT/R391 family integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) inProteus mirabilisisolates from broiler carcasses. Int J Antimicrob Agents50(2):242-246

33.Yan Z,Wang M, Ferry JG*. 2016. A Ferredoxin- and F420H2-dependent, electron-bifurcating, heterodisulfide reductase with homologs in the domainsBacteriaandArchaea. mBio8:e02285-16.

32.Yan L, Liu D, Wang X, Wang Y,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2017. Bacterial plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes in aquatic environments in China. Sci Rep7:40610.

31. Wang M*, Hou J*. 2017. Biorefinery of lignocellulosics for biofuels and biochemicals, p 143-191.InLau PCK (ed), Quality living through chemurgy and green chemistry, Springer-Verlag GamH, Germany.

30.Wu H,Wang M,Liu Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Lu J, Xu H*. 2016. Data on the phylogenetic typing, integron gene cassette array analysis, multi-drug resistance analysis and correlation between antimicrobial resistance determinants inKlebsiellastrains. Data Brief8:1289-1294.

29. Wang M, Zhao Q, Li L, Niu K, Li Y, Wang F, Jiang B, Liu K, Jiang Y, Fang X*. 2016. Contributing factors in the improvements of cellulosic H2production inClostridium thermocellum/Thermoanaerobacteriumco-cultures. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol100(19):8607-8620.

28.Liu R, Wang X*, Zhang Y,Wang M, Gao M, Wang S. 2016. Optimization of operation conditions for the mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from aerobic nitrifying granular sludge system. Environ Sci Pollut Res23(10):9518-9528.

27.沈伟涛,王明钰,王允坤,王新华,徐海*.抗生素含量测定方法的分析综述[J].中国生物工程杂志, 2016, 36(6): 119-126.

26.Wu H,Wang M, Liu Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Lu J, Xu H*. 2016. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance inKlebsiellaspecies isolated from chicken broilers. Int J Food Microbiol232:95-102.

25.Gao M, Yang S,Wang M, Wang X*. 2016. Nitrous oxide emissions from an aerobic granular sludge system treating low-strength ammonium wastewater. J Biosci Bioeng doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2016.04.004.

24.Jiang B, Zhang R, Feng D, Wang F, Liu K, Jiang Y, Niu K, Yuan Q,Wang M,Wang H, Zhang Y, Fang X*. 2016. A Tet-on and Cre-loxP based genetic engineering system for convenient recycling of selection markers inPenicillium oxalicum. Front Microbiol7:486.

23.Wang F, Jiang Y, Guo W, Niu K, Zhang R, Hou S,Wang M, Yi Y, Zhu C, Jia C, Fang X*. 2016. An environmentally friendly and productive process for bioethanol production from potato waste. Biotechnol Biofuels9:50.

22.Liu K, Dong Y, Wang F, Jiang B,Wang M,Fang X*. 2016. Regulation of cellulase expression, sporulation and morphogenesis by velvet family proteins inTrichoderma reesei. Appl Microbiol Technol100(2):769-779.

21. Wang M,Han L, Liu S, Zhao X, Yang J, Loh SK, Sun X, Zhang C, Fang X*. 2015. A Weibull statistics-based lignocellulose saccharification model and a built-in parameter accurately predict lignocellulose hydrolysis performance. Biotechnol J10(9):1424-1433.

20.Wang F, Liu K, Han L, Jiang B,Wang M, Fang X*. 2015. Function of a p24 heterodimer in morphogenesis and protein transport inPenicillium oxalicum. Sci Rep5:11875.

19.Wang M, Yang H, Zhang M, Liu K, Wang H, Luo Y, Fang X*. 2015. Functional analysis ofTrichoderma reeseiCKIIα2, a catalytic subunit of casein kinase II. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol99(14):5929-5938.

18. Wang M,Dong Y, Zhao Q, Wang F, Liu K, Jiang B, Fang X*. 2014. Identification of the role of a MAP kinase Tmk2 inHypocrea jecorina(Trichoderma reesei). Sci Rep 4:6732.

17.张杰,王明钰,张晓东,方诩*,李红震.以木质纤维素原料生产生物丁醇的研究进展[J].生物产业技术, 2014, 2014(7月): 59-64.

16.Suharti S,Wang M, de Vries S, Ferry JG*. 2014. Characterization of the RnfB and RnfG Subunits of the Rnf Complex from the ArchaeonMethanosarcina acetivorans. PLoS ONE9(5):e97966.

15.王方忠,蒋艺,刘奎美,姜宝杰,王明钰,方诩*.丝状真菌中纤维素酶与半纤维素酶的合成调控[J].生物加工过程, 2014, 12(1): 72-79.

14.王明钰,沈煜,徐孝刚,邵明,魏天迪,方诩*.山东大学生物类拔尖人才培养模式的探索[J].高校生物学教学研究(电子版), 2013, 3(4): 3-6.

13.Wang F, Liang Y,Wang M, Yang H, Liu K, Zhao Q, Fang X*. 2013. Functional diversity of the p24γ homologue Erp reveals physiological differences between two filamentous fungi. Fungal Genet Biol61:15-22.

12.自振滔,石文昊,李钰茜,翟贞文,韩丽娟,王明钰*,方诩*.利用等离子诱变技术改造纤维素酶生产丝状真菌工业菌株[J].中国酿造, 2013, 32(S1): 5-8.

11.Wang M,He D, Liang Y, Liu K, Jiang B, Wang F, Hou S, Fang X*. 2013. Factors involved in the response to improvement of agitation during cellulase production fromPenicillium decumbensJUA10-1. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol40(9):1077-1082.

10. Wang M,Zhao Q, Yang J, Jiang B, Wang F, Liu K, Fang X*. 2013. A mitogen-activated protein kinase Tmk3 participates in high osmolarity resistance, cell wall integrity maintenance and cellulase production regulation inTrichoderma reesei. PLoS ONE8(8): e72189.

9. Wang M,Mu Z, Wang J, Hou S, Han L, Dong Y, Xiao L, Xia R, Fang X*. 2013. The identification of and relief from Fe3+inhibition for both cellulose and cellulase in cellulose saccharification catalyzed by cellulases fromPenicillium decumbens. Bioresour Technol133:507-512.

8. Wang M, Liu K, Dai L, Zhang J, Fang X*. 2013. The structural and biochemical basis for cellulose biodegradation. J Chem Technol Biot88(4):491-500.

7.Zhang J,Wang M, Gao M, Fang X*, Yano S, Qin S, Xia R. 2013. Efficient acetone-butanol-ethanol production from corncob with a new pretreatment technology - wet disk milling. Bioenerg Res6(1):35-43.

6.周广麒,李晶晶,李忠海,吕晶,王明钰,曲音波,方诩*.斜卧青霉转录调控因子BglR的缺失对纤维素酶生产的影响[J].微生物学通报, 2012, 39(10): 1379-1387.

5.周广麒,吕晶,李忠海,李晶晶,王明钰,曲音波,肖林,覃树林,赵海涛,夏蕊蕊,方诩*.斜卧青霉去泛素化蛋白酶CREB的缺失提高纤维素酶的生产[J].生物工程学报, 2012, 28(8): 959-972.

4.王涫,王明钰,穆子铭,侯少莉,伏小平,方诩*.里氏木霉纤维素酶生产工艺的优化[J].黑龙江农业科学, 2012, 2012(5): 108-111.

3. Wang M,Li Z, Fang X*, Wang L, Qu Y. 2012. Cellulolytic enzyme production and enzymatic hydrolysis for second-generation biofuel production. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol128:1-24.

2. Wang M,Tomb JF, Ferry JG*. 2011. Electron transport in acetate-grownMethanosarcina acetivorans. BMC Microbiol11:165.

1.Doerfert SN1, Reichlen M1, Iyer P,Wang M,Ferry JG*. 2009.Methanolobus zinderi sp. nov.,a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from a deep subsurface coal seam. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol59(Pt 5):1064-1069.


4.王明钰,徐海,房萌.一种能在水环境中去除抗生素耐药基因的人工合成蛋白:中国,202110685532.3 [P].

3.王明钰,徐海.一种利用生物发光报告系统鉴定抗生素种类的方法:中国,201910526550.X [P].


1.王明钰, 赵秋爽,方诩, 候少丽. 一种真菌纤维素酶酶系组成/特性调控基因及其应用: 中国,201310142896.2[P].